Winter Is Staying! General Beauregard Lee’s Prediction Sparks Debate.
Groundhog Day might be known for its lighthearted predictions about the season ahead, but this year, General Beauregard Lee’s forecast has sparked quite a bit of debate.
The beloved Georgia groundhog has emerged from his burrow and seen his shadow, predicting that winter will stick around for six more weeks.
When General Beauregard Lee saw his shadow on February 2, it sent a clear message: more winter is on the way. According to folklore, this means we’re in for six additional weeks of cold temperatures, snow, and ice.
For those who’ve enjoyed relatively mild winters in Georgia, this may come as a bit of a surprise. But does it really mean more winter, or is it just a fun tradition to enjoy?
While many people look forward to General Beauregard Lee’s predictions as part of an annual tradition, others are quick to point out that the accuracy of these weather forecasts is questionable at best.
Studies show that groundhog predictions are only right around 35-40% of the time, so whether or not Lee’s shadow truly means more cold weather is up for debate.
If General Beauregard Lee’s prediction is accurate, Georgians may need to brace themselves for a few extra weeks of chilly temperatures, especially in the northern parts of the state.
But whether it’s an extended cold spell or a few unexpected frosty days, winter still has a grip on much of the country for the time being.