Take It Up a Notch: 10 Advanced Bodyweight Exercises for Strength.

Ready to push past your limits? These advanced bodyweight exercises take strength, control, and endurance to the next level—no equipment needed!  

Pistol Squats  (Strength: Legs & Balance) Stand on one leg, lower yourself into a deep squat, and push back up. Keep your core tight for balance!

Archer Push-Ups  (Strength: Chest & Arms) Lower your body to one side while keeping the other arm extended, then push back up. Builds unilateral strength and control.

Handstand Push-Ups (Strength: Shoulders & Core) Kick up against a wall and lower your head toward the floor, then push back up. Great for upper-body power!

Bulgarian Split Squats  (Strength: Legs & Stability) Place one foot on an elevated surface behind you, lower into a lunge, then push up. Increases leg power and balance.

One-Arm Push-Ups (Strength: Chest, Core & Arms) Keep feet wide, place one hand behind your back, and lower yourself with control. Engage your core to stay stable.

Dragon Flags  (Strength: Core & Lower Abs) Lie on your back, grab onto a sturdy surface, and raise your legs and hips off the ground in a straight line before lowering slowly.

Jump Squats  (Strength: Legs & Explosiveness) Squat down, then jump explosively into the air. Land softly and repeat for explosive leg power.